Motivational speech
Älskar denna videon! Jag fick iaf motivation och den får en att känna man kan klara vadsomhelst om man bara tror på sig själv och kör hårt. Jobba för resultaten, de kommer inte självmant. Oavsett hur små resultaten är så är det ett steg fram, i rätt riktning, allt gills! Det är uthålligheten som räknas och att man vågar pusha sig själv och vågar satsa allt.
"and even though you go to the gym and put your time in there, ya check the box,
Yeah I went to the gym, all good!
You come back around, you go to the mirrow..
Man I don´t see anything, Im not seeing anything, Im not seeing any changes!
Well, because you haven´t pushed yourself for your body to have the reason to change."
Love this video! I got alot of motivation and it makes me feel Ican do anything if I just believe in myself.
Work for the results, they will not come to you if you don´t work for it. No matter how small the results are, it´s a step forward in the right direction, all counts! It´s the perseverance that counts and that you dares to push yourself and give it your all!
"and even though you go to the gym and put your time in there, ya check the box,
Yeah I went to the gym, all good!
You come back around, you go to the mirrow..
Man I don´t see anything, Im not seeing anything, Im not seeing any changes!
Well, because you haven´t pushed yourself for your body to have the reason to change."![](
What a great video!